Npl banks, Consob: "ECB worries"

“There are some practices” of the ECB “even currently in progress” that “give some concern”. This was stated by the president of Consob, Giuseppe Vegas, in a hearing before the Foreign Affairs and EU Policy commissions of the Chamber.

“I'll give you an example – he added – If a significant bank has problems and needs to rearrange its balance sheets, the ECB can recommend carrying out certain operations to improve the quality of capital, carrying out certain operations which also concern the number of employees, which obviously is a rather heavy fact, or, an issue that has been on the agenda in the last period, selling a certain amount of Npl. But if I have to sell these securities, a certain amount by a certain date, it is clear that the price tends to go down. If I have to sell my car by tonight it's clear that I'm giving it away or almost, it's difficult for me to be able to make a serious negotiation ".

“Probably – concluded Vegas – certain pressures are a bit strong. They are reasonable from the point of view of stability, however they can lead to some problems on the part of the individual banks that are involved".

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