
PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS – Todini towards Rai and Gubitosi towards Fs

After the earthquake in the Cdp, where Costamagna and Gallia will take the place of Bassanini and Gorno Tempini on 10 July, reversals are looming in other public groups: Todini is arriving as president of Rai in the wake of the reform of state television while Gubitosi is intended to replace Elijah at the helm of the Railways - News also at the Post Office.

PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS – Todini towards Rai and Gubitosi towards Fs

The echo of the earthquake has not yet died down at the top of Cassa depositi e prestiti, where on 10 July Claudio Costamagna and Fabio Gallia will take the place of Franco Bassanini and Giovanni Gorno Tempini, who other excellent turnarounds are arriving in public groups.

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, after receiving the green light from the Senate for school reform, wants to speed up the reform of Rai so as not to be forced to appoint the new board with the rules of the infamous Gasperri law and for this reason he is probing Silvio Berlusconi , who is encouraged by his children Marina and Piersilvio by Fedele Confalonieri, in view of a light understanding (but woe to call it the new Pact of the Nazarene) which should facilitate the parliamentary approval of the reform.

If the reform passes quickly, the appointments will also be affected by the newfound bipartisan climate and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is thinking of appointing the entrepreneur Luisa Todini, now president of Poste Italiane and until a few months ago, as president of state television of Rai, while the new CEO would be Vincenzo Novari, current CEO of H3G, destined to merge shortly with Wind.

However, Renzi has a good idea of ​​the current director general of Rai, Luigi Gubitosi, manager of the Fiat school, and would like to enhance him by assigning him to lead the State Railways in place of CEO Michele Elia, who has lost the approval of both the premier and the ministers Padoan and Delrio for the inconceivable brawls with the president Marcello Messori and above all for the delays in the privatization of the Fs, which seems to proceed at a slow pace.

Not to be excluded are also possible news at the top of the Post Office with an eye to the possible promotion of Todini in Rai.
