
PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS - Renzi's revolution: to all new in Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica and Poste

PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS – Moretti at the helm of Finmeccanica, Descalzi at ENI, Starace at Enel, Caio delle Poste, with three female presidents: Marcegaglia at ENI, Grieco at Enel, Todini at the Post Office. Awaited the confirmation of Bastioli as president of Terna, whose leadership will go to Armani or Del fante – Renzi: “Quality and authority of the new managers”

PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS - Renzi's revolution: to all new in Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica and Poste

Change the map of power in major public groups. Matteo renzi has not disappointed expectations and has made discontinuity and gender equality the compasses of his first very important round of public appointments. With many women at the top and some surprises. The biggest news is the promotion of Mauro Moretti who, despite the recent controversy over the compensation of public managers, leaves the leadership of the FS to become CEO of Finmeccanica in place of Alessandro Pansa and the confirmation of Gianni de Gennaro as president of the group.

Farewell to Scaroni at Eni: in his place, however, a highly trusted top manager like Claudio Descalzi is promoted, while the former president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, takes the presidency.

Revolution also at Enel: Francesco Starace leaves the leadership of Enel Green Power to take the helm of Enel in place of Fulvio Conti, who, like Scaroni at Eni, has had three mandates. President of Enel will be an icon of women managers like Patrizia Grieco, a student of Marisa Belisario at Italtel and current executive president of Olivetti.

Terna's presidency for Katia Bastioli is also a surprise, which however still needs to be fully confirmed by the board of directors, because in the energy company the Treasury does not have the majority: for the role of CEO, barring last-minute surprises , an insider like Gianni Armani, or a senior exponent of Cassa depositi e prestiti like Del Fante are in the ballot

Everything changes also at the Post Office where Francesco Caio arrives, the man of the digital Agenda, while the presidency will be assumed by the private entrepreneur Luisa Todini.

"Quality and authority" are the characteristics of the new public managers assures Prime Minister Renzi. For all the compensation will be 238 thousand euros.
