
APPOINTMENTS – News at the top of Acea and IMI

The multiservice controlled by the Municipality of Rome renews its board of directors - Paolo Gallo will replace Marco Staderini as managing director - The top management of Banca Imi has been redesigned: the new president will be Fabio Roversi Monaco.

APPOINTMENTS – News at the top of Acea and IMI

Change at the top of Acea: the Campidoglio, majority shareholder of the multiservice, has decided to appoint director general Paolo Gallo, who is also close to the company's private shareholders, such as Gaz de France and the Caltagirone Group. After joining the board, Gallo will replace Marco Staderini as managing director.

In addition to Paolo Gallo, Roma Capitale (51% of the capital) has candidates for the Board of Directors Giancarlo Cremonesi (current president and awaiting reconfirmation), Antonella Illuminati, Maurizio Leo, Andrea Peruzy, Luigi Pelaggi, Donatella Visconti and Patrizia Del Vecchio.

Il Caltagirone groupinstead nominated Francesco Caltagirone (son of Francesco Gaetano), Paolo di Benedetto, Tatiana Caltagirone and Mario Delfini, while Ondeo Italia proposed Giovanni Giani, Diane D'Arras, Olivier Jacquier, Gael Falchier, Jean-Louis Chaussade, Philippe Maillard, Enrica Tocci, Francesca Menabuoni and Paola Vezzaro.

News also for the top management of Banca Imi, the investment bank of Intesa Sanpaolo. According to numerous rumors, the new president will be Fabio Roversi Monaco, while Gianfranco Miccichè will keep his position as managing director. Meanwhile, the second list of Foundations for the Supervisory Board of Intesa Sanpaolo has been filed: Mario Bertolussi is in pole position, outgoing vice president who will almost certainly keep his job.
