
Appointments: Marino CEO of Ansaldo Energia, Bisoni president of Unicredit

Ansaldo Energia, owned through Cdp Equity by Cassa depositi e prestiti, will have a new top management - Unicredit replaces Saccomanni as president

Appointments: Marino CEO of Ansaldo Energia, Bisoni president of Unicredit

New appointments for Ansaldo Energia and for Unicredit.

The Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) has appointed Mr. Giuseppe Marino as Chief Executive Officer of Ansaldo Energia (AEN), a company controlled by CDP Equity.

The Unicredit Board of Directors unanimously elected Cesare Bisoni, professor of Economics at the University of Modena, as the new president of the bank to replace Fabrizio Saccomanni, who died in August. Bisoni was already interim president and will remain in his new position until the end of the current board, expected in 2021.

Quesat instead the entire list of candidates designated by CDP for the Board of Directors of Ansaldo Energia, which is made up as follows:

  • Giuseppe Zampini (President)
  • Giuseppe Marino (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Giampietro Castano (independent director)
  • Fabiola Mascardi (independent director)
  • Simone Bergonzi
  • Fabio Massoli

The BoD has also designated:

  • to the position of standing auditors, Paolo Biancone and Federica Fiorani
  • to the office of alternate auditor, Samantha Gardin

Joseph Marino has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and boasts a long international career. Upon joining AEN, Eng. Marino will leave the responsibility of Group COO Rolling Stock of Hitachi and the role of Corporate Officer of Hitachi Ltd. Tokyo.
