
Nobel economics to three Americans: Shiller, Fama and Hansen

Robert Shiller, of Yale University, Eugene F. Fama and Lars Peter Hansen (both of the University of Chicago) were awarded for their studies on the financial market, in particular "for their empirical analysis of asset prices"

Nobel economics to three Americans: Shiller, Fama and Hansen

The Nobel for economics goes to three Americans: Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen (both of the University of Chicago) and Robert J. Shiller. (Professor at Yale University). Economists have been awarded for their studies on the financial market. The award, reads the motivation, intends to reward "their empirical analysis of asset prices" and their evolution over time.

The one awarded to Fama, Hansen and Shiller is the latest of six $1,2 million prizes awarded by the Nobel committee in 2013. The prize was not created, like those for medicine, chemistry, physics, literature and peace by Alfred Nobel in 1895, but by the Central Bank of Sweden, which added it in 1968 to celebrate the passing of Nobel himself.

Attachments: The publishing house "Il Mulino" salutes the 20130 Nobel Prize for Economics Robert J. Shiller
