
No Green Pass, assault on the CGIL: high voltage Rome and Milan

Squadrist assault on the CGIL headquarters in Rome and clashes with the police forces of the No Vax demonstrators, among which the far-right militants of Forza Nuova have infiltrated - Message from Mattarella and Draghi to Landini - The premier has also personally visit to the CGIL - Letta: "Dissolve Forza Nuova"

No Green Pass, assault on the CGIL: high voltage Rome and Milan

Saturday of great tension in Rome and Milan, with the No Green Pass marches that clashed with the police forces, to the point in the capital of reaching a few steps from Palazzo Chigi and assault the headquarters of the CGIL. Several injuries and arrests were reported, while the reactions of the political world were above all one of unanimous solidarity with the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini, who defined the attack as an act of "fascist squadrism". An attack on democracy and the whole world of work that we intend to reject - he continues - Nobody thinks of returning our country to the twenty years of fascism ".

Landini received the message of solidarity from the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella as well as from premier Mario Draghi who visited the CGIL e who called the violence an "unacceptable intimidation. The trade unions - continues the note - are a fundamental safeguard of democracy and workers' rights. Any intimidation of them is unacceptable and to be rejected with absolute firmness". Far-right formations such as Casapound and Forza Nuova were behind the No Green Pass protests, to the point that Pd secretary Enrico Letta called for the dissolution of Forza Nuova.

More ambiguous the reaction of Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, who condemned the clashes and expressed solidarity with the CGIL, but the leader of the League also asked for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese: “Violence is never justified, it is never the solution. Let's not confuse the violence of a few criminals with the reasonable demands of those who want to protect health, rights, freedom and work," said Salvini.
