
Nicola Piovani: "I don't see the danger of fascism, I fear more the politics of the overheard"

A life lesson, even before that of politics, that of Maestro Piovani in an interview in La Stampa. Is life still good? “It could be more if we focused on what really matters, leaving out a little superfluous”. Music to the ears of want to understand

Nicola Piovani: "I don't see the danger of fascism, I fear more the politics of the overheard"

For those seeking to orient themselves in the chaos of Italian politics, the Master's words Nicola Piovani, famous conductor and 1999 Academy Award for the music of the film "Life is Beautiful“, are – it is appropriate to say – music to the ears. “I see danger in the country fascism, I fear the politics of the most catchy“, of the earful rulers, he declared in a long interview in today's “La Stampa”. And he added: "There is no single thought in Italy and I find the single Religion worse", which is not the Catholic one but "the Religion of Maximum Profit, not of profit - be careful - but of maximum profit", that of those who "on 'altar of 0,5% of profit sacrifices sacred instances, the lives of men, the future of a planet, air, water, grain, art”. But also on war and about sending the weapons in Ukraine, Maestro Piovani has very clear ideas. "I am a pacifist, but I don't like that this term is appropriated by disarmists, those who are against sending arms to the Ukrainians: whoever is invaded must defend themselves". Applause words like the answer to the interviewer who asks him if life is still good. Piovani replies: “It can still be a lot. And it could be more if we focused on what really matters, leaving out a little superfluous. We should live it more and consume it less”. Music for those who want to understand.
