
Next Energy: Nemesys hydrogen startup wins

NemeSYS wins the 4th edition of Next Energy - The program promoted by Terna, Cariplo and Cariplo Factory to identify innovative solutions and technologies to support the energy transition - As a prize, a voucher of 50 thousand euros that can be spent on further acceleration services

Next Energy: Nemesys hydrogen startup wins

NemeSYS is the winner of the 4th edition of Next Energy, the program promoted by Terna. Cariplo Foundation and Cariplo Factory to valorise young graduates and individual talents to support the development of innovative projects in the energy field. As a reward a voucher of 50 thousand euros that can be used in services aimed at the acceleration and go-to-market process of the project.

Despite the health emergency and the lockdown, the program took place on schedule, in smart mode, through the Teams meeting tool.

The jury, made up of representatives of the sponsoring companies and experts from the world of innovation and the Energy sector, chose the startup among the 8 finalists New Mobility Electric SYStem, specialized in innovative technologies for the diffusion of the use of hydrogen. In particular, the project is aimed at the production and use of hydrogen, making it more effective and economically competitive with respect to fossil fuels. The areas of application can be both for domestic and industrial use and for large means of transport.

This team, like the others who participated in the Call for Ideas, had the opportunity to access an incubation path supported by Cariplo Factory and in synergy with Terna's Innovation Hubs, based on the needs of individual projects and their geographical location.

The areas of interest of the projects all focused on the enabling tools of the energy transition towards a more efficient, secure and sustainable electricity system, including: robotics, internet of things, Energy tech, advanced materials, electric mobility, storage, environment/infrastructure integration and digitalisation.

“Terna's commitment to Open Innovation is constant and growing – he declared Piero Rosina, Head of Innovation, Energy Solutions & Connect, Terna – The company focuses on applied innovation, understood as something that becomes reality and on the development of innovative solutions that we host in our house through the Innovation Hub network – concluded Rosina – Next Energy, combining the development of innovation and digitization with excellence, once again this year it bears witness to a leading role in tackling and supporting the new management phase of the energy sector”.

“Today we saw the results – he commented Carlo Mango, Scientific and Technological Research Area Director of Cariplo and Managing Director of Cariplo Factory – Companies with high innovative potential, which have grown considerably in recent months and have consolidated their value proposition. I think it is a particularly important signal because it is precisely in these moments that there is a greater need for innovation and a propensity for change":
