nexi, the digital payments company led by Paolo Bertoluzzo and chaired by Franco Bernabè, has sold its subsidiary Oasi to Cedacri for the substantial sum of 150 million.
Cedacri, which is controlled by a group of banks and 27% owned by Fondo Strategico, won the auction beating the competition Cerved. Oasi is well known in the IT world because it has a invaluable software for combating money laundering and reporting suspicious account movements to the Bank of Italy and the ECB. But he also works for Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, Banco Bpm and Bper to manage current accounts in real time. It has become even more important after the boom in instant wire transfers.
The sale of Oasis is part of the process restructuring initiated by Nexi which provides for the division into two of the company (on the one hand electronic payment services and on the other the activities that require a banking license) in view of a future listing on the Stock Exchange which is in the plans of the private equity funds Advent International, Bain Capital Clessidra who control it and who have invested many resources to relaunch it.
Just the growing attractiveness of the new course of Nexi made us think about a possible merger with Sia under the direction of Cassa depositi e prestiti but for now the only thing for sure is that the reorganization plan of Nexi managed by Bertoluzzo is proceeding quickly and that the sum raised with the sale of Oasi will be invested in the core business of the Corso Sempione company in Milan and that is in digital payments