Yellow is the genre most loved by readers. Readers live in cities and in the cities where they live there are crime scenes, crime scenes that have not always come from the writer's imagination, but really exist. Why not observe them as you pass them on your daily commute?
Here is that ebook "THE PLACES OF THE CRIME - A map of contemporary whodunit", written by Barbara Pezzotti and published by FIRSTonline and goWare, which can be read in the time of an episode of Montalbano, draws a map that is also a map of contemporary Italian thriller through the reading of the works of some of the most important crime writers of the last years. Among the authors analyzed are Andrea Camilleri, the couple Piero Colaprico and Pietro Valpreda, Massimo Carlotto, Sandrone Dazieri, Marcello Fois, Carlo Lucarelli, Santo Piazzese, Andrea G. Pinketts, Massimo Siviero, Piero Soria and Bruno Ventavoli.
These writers were driven by curiosity and passion for their city (of origin or adopted) to become "explorers" of the territory and its urban transformations and severe critics of the problems of contemporary Italian society. In their hands, the investigative story thus becomes an instrument of criticism and social analysis. After reading this text you will never see your city the same way again.
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