
Netflix, the on-demand streaming revolution that appeals to the markets

The on-demand streaming platform, which allows you to watch movies on your PC or play video games by paying a subscription, is multiplying profits - The figures are not yet stellar, but the title is selling like hot cakes - The markets are betting on Netflix's innovations, which according to experts will revolutionize cinema and TV

Netflix, the on-demand streaming revolution that appeals to the markets

It has become one of the most coveted titles in the market, but those directly involved are still amazed by so much enthusiasm. We are talking about Netflix, the American streaming on demand site: in practice, a TV - which can be accessed via subscription - which allows you to watch movies and play video games while sitting quietly in front of your PC. The group's share value has tripled since the beginning of the year. And on Monday night, after the quarterly was released, it was up another 10%.

The company is actually not particularly profitable. Profits are multiplying, it's true, but they're still not stellar ($32 million). If investors are so passionate about the group, reflects the French newspaper Les Echos, "it is because it brings fundamental innovations to the world of video and cinema".

In fact, Netflix is ​​the first site to have broadcast series exclusively. And, by the way, these are successful products: the House of Cards series won an Emmy Award and was judged as one of the best of the year.

There are now 40 million subscribers worldwide, and in one year they have increased by a third. Revenue grew by about a quarter to $1,1 billion.
