
In Spanish airports it is double discount: for companies that will open new routes and for passengers

To encourage arrivals at Spanish airports, from January next year the company that manages the airports, Aena, will introduce bonuses on airport fees for airlines that will contribute to the growth of air traffic and those that open new routes. Discounts are also available for passengers who will use the new airports.

In Spanish airports it is double discount: for companies that will open new routes and for passengers

Increase arrivals at Spanish airports, trying to fight the crisis. This is the objective of Aena, the company that manages the airports in Spain, which is announcing from next January bonuses on airport fees for companies that will contribute to the growth of air traffic and for those that will open new routes.

With this initiative - according to what was announced by the Spanish development minister, Ana Pastor - an increase in air traffic of 2 percent, equal to 4 million passengers, is expected.

The provision, inserted as an amendment to the state budget (PGE), even provides for a 100% saving in airport taxes reserved for passengers on new routes, both domestic and international. 75% will be returned to the airline in 2014 and the remaining 25% in 2015, if the company maintains the number of travellers.

Jose Manuel Vargas, president of Aena, explained that "this is the greatest incentive that exists in Europe for the growth of passengers", and that "an increase in air traffic is expected in 2014 in view of the expected economic recovery".

This initiative should help Madrid's Barajas airport in particular, which has recently seen a significant drop in passengers. For some time the Region and the Municipality of Madrid had asked the Ministry and Aena for suitable initiatives to interrupt the negative trend in airport traffic.
