
Nature Index 2019 rewards Italian research

The CNR and the Institute of Nuclear Physics in the prestigious ranking are first in Europe. The new government devotes attention and resources to state institutions.

Nature Index 2019 rewards Italian research

The difficulties of all kinds that afflict Italian research do not mortify us in international rankings. Our Institutes are constantly asking for funding to progress and keep close to the cream of researchers who find their doors wide open abroad. Every now and then some satisfaction, however, also arrives in Rome. The National Research Council and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics entered the 2019 ranking of the ten research institutions with the highest number of articles published in the 82 most prestigious scientific journals. The two Italian institutions are in ninth and tenth position worldwide, but are the first in Europe.

"This result is an injection of optimism for Italy and demonstrates the beauty and importance of public research", commented the President of the Cnr, Massimo Inguscio. An extraordinary testimony to the value of state institutions that should be valued and evaluated more already in the choices of the government. And the recognition comes at an auspicious time. It's forming il new government which we hope you will be able to take into consideration the news . In all programs, scientific research is included as a priority commitment to make the country progress, with the exception of future checks that do not correspond to the intentions. Proof that Italy still spends little compared to other EU countries.

"The Nature ranking demonstrates the great quality of Italian frontier research, appreciated and recognized at an international level", he commented in turn Antonio Zoccoli, President of the Infn. Scientific studies in Italian laboratories and published all over the world were compared with Chinese, American and French ones. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (Cas) ranks first in the Nature Index 2019, followed by the National Research Center French scientific (Cnrs) and by the American National Institutes of Health (Nih). NASA is in seventh place, two boxes ahead of CNR. The Nature Index is confirmed as a highly accredited scientific ranking that evaluates 82 publications in various fields. In its monitoring it takes into consideration public and private structures whose performances, if they enter the rankings, are appreciated by the international scientific community and often by industry. Political Italy has a good opportunity to give more confidence to our scholars.
