
Christmas, consumption collapses: -3% on 2011

The Christmas effect will not be enough to revive Italian consumption in December: -3% to 36,8 billion - For 19 million Italians this Christmas will be worse than last - Thirteenths no longer go to purchases, but to mortgages and debts .

Christmas, consumption collapses: -3% on 2011

Consumption of Italians is down at Christmas. This December, in fact, Italians will spend 36,8 billion against the 38 in 2011, a drop of 3%, which is reflected, with the same percentage, in the drop in the Christmas Effect, i.e. the set of expenses activated by holiday, which will go from 11 billion to 10,7.

This was revealed by a Confesercenti-Swg survey. You pay for the climate of distrust: they are 19 million, in fact, Italians for whom this Christmas will be the worst since 2010 (38%, against 25% in 2011), while 20 million see no difference with last year and only 11 million believe in a possible improvement.

Of the over 41 billion total of thirteenth month salaries, the portion destined for purchases drops by two billion, to 17 billion and 787 million, with a drop of 700 million euros for gifts and a general drop of 14% in average spending. This is because a substantial part of the thirteenths (11 billion and 739 million) is destined to replenish the eroded savings, 12 billion will be directed to the payment of mortgages or debts and about 13 and a half billion to address the needs of families.

82% of those interviewed (against 83% in 2011) will buy food and wine, the purchase of books increases (from 51% to 55%) and travel, while clothing, perfumes and cosmetics and household appliances remain stable.
