
YouPos Mobile is born: Banco Popolare's Mobile Pos

Banco Popolare proposes the Mobile Pos solution, the new way of cashing in on the go, and launches YouPos Mobile: the service that associates the Mobile Pos with a dedicated App.

YouPos Mobile is born: Banco Popolare's Mobile Pos

Banco Popolare proposes the Mobile Pos solution, the new way of cashing in on the go, and launches YouPos Mobile: the service that associates the Mobile Pos with a dedicated App.

The integration between the new Mobile Pos (Mpos), light, handy and easily transportable, and Banco Popolare's "YouPOS Mobile" application, which can be downloaded free of charge from the iOS and Android Stores by the merchant on his smartphone or tablet, allows to meet the needs of traders, artisans and professionals for mobility and ease of use without having to be tied to a particular telephone operator.

The YouPos Mobile service offers, thanks to the synergy between smartphones, an everyday tool, and the Mobile Pos, the possibility of collecting the expected sums with PagoBancomat cards, credit and prepaid cards on the move and allows the control of transactions directly through the Application thus creating a "360-degree mobile" service.

The new offer extends and completes the numerous solutions that Banco Popolare already offers to customers: an additional tool also to respond to the recent legislation which, from 30 June 2014, introduces the obligation to accept card payments from those who request them , for amounts exceeding 30 euros.
