
Napolitano: to vote as soon as possible

The Quirinale replied to Berlusconi: "It is in the country's interest to avoid a prolongation of this condition of institutional uncertainty" - "Elections at an intermediate moment between the minimum of 45 days established by law and the maximum of 70 set in the Constitution".

Napolitano: to vote as soon as possible

It is "in the country's interest" not to prolong the electoral campaign excessively. This was underlined by the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano in a note released by the Quirinale.

“As for the calling of political elections – reads the text of the Hill – the setting of the date at an intermediate moment between the minimum of 45 days established by law and the maximum of 70 established in the Constitution corresponds to the constant practice. It is also in the country's interest that this practice be followed and the electoral campaign not be excessively prolonged, so that the full functionality of the parliamentary and government assemblies can be re-established as soon as possible in a phase that is always critical and full of unknowns for Italy ”.

Napolitano thus responds to pressure from the PDL, which is trying to postpone the approval of the stability law in Parliament to delay the official resignation of the Government and therefore postpone the elections from February to March. “This haste to go to the elections is a useless forcing – said Silvio Berlusconi last night on Rai1 -. It gives a hasty impulse to the formation of the lists”. Words that have greatly irritated the Hill. 

"The date hypotheses for the dissolution of the Chambers to be examined by the President of the Republic, who has the exclusive prerogative after hearing the Presidents of the two Assemblies, are not dictated by any forcing or haste – continues the note from the Quirinale -. As is known, President Napolitano has repeatedly hoped that the elections would take place on their natural deadline by the first half of April; equally well known are the political facts that have thwarted this possibility. Even before those new events, the Conference of Group Leaders of the Senate had scheduled the discussion of the stability law in the Chamber for 18 December. Since the Prime Minister has announced the formalization of his irrevocable resignation the day after the approval of this law, it is in the country's interest to avoid a prolongation of this condition of institutional uncertainty”.

An uncertainty that instead could last at least a few weeks. Many argue that the Knight's real intention is to buy time to postpone the beginning of the level playing field regime on television. The goal would be to continue with the massive media exposure he has undergone in recent days to recover consensus. Not to mention that the extra time would be essential to clarify the picture of formations and alliances in a center-right that has never been so fragmented. 
