
Mussari (Mps): "I am leaving the Abi presidency". The cause: the Alexandria derivatives controversy

Giuseppe Mussari, former president of Monte Paschi, has resigned from the top of ABI, the Italian banking association – The resignation comes after the controversies that arose around the Sienese bank, which Mussari has been at the helm in recent years – It is the discussed transaction in derivatives called “Alexandria”.

Mussari (Mps): "I am leaving the Abi presidency". The cause: the Alexandria derivatives controversy

Giuseppe Mussari, former president of MPS, resigned from the top of ABI, the Italian banking association. The resignation comes after the controversy over the Monte Paschi affair, the bank Mussari has led in recent years, after the press reports on the derivatives operation called "Alexandria".

"I believe - Mussari wrote in a letter to the vicar vice president Camillo Venesio - that I must resign as president of the ABI with immediate effect and in an irrevocable manner". "I take this decision - adds the lawyer, who was president of MPS for six years - convinced that I have always operated in compliance with our legal system, but at the same time determined not to cause any harm, even indirectly, to the association".
