
Mussari rejects the extra IRAP on banks

According to the president of ABI, the increase in the regional tax on productive activities risks being counterproductive

Mussari rejects the extra IRAP on banks

The provision of the maneuver that increases the IRAP for banks and insurance companies does not please the president of the ABI, Giuseppe Mussari. Interviewed on the sidelines of the ANIA Assembly, the number one banker did not hide his disapproval and speaks of a point of no return with regard to taxation. “I fully agree with Cerchiai's report which was precise and punctual – said Mussari referring to the criticisms also expressed by the president of ANIA – increasing IRAP in this phase I think is counterproductive. Now the path of the decree between the Chamber and the Senate will begin and let's see what can be improved. Italian banks already have the highest taxation in the world, we have made the sacrifices, we are making them and we can't take it anymore. We are at the tipping point in terms of taxation,” he concluded.
