
Navile Temporary Museum, in Bologna the first neighborhood museum in Italy

The works are loaned to the tenants of the Navile Trilogy, but the dream is to extend the project to the city.

Navile Temporary Museum, in Bologna the first neighborhood museum in Italy

There is a couple of gentlemen who fell in love with it as soon as they saw Peng Xuejian's artist book. Then there's the psychologist who set her eyes on Jacopo Valentini's photograph, she wanted it. Not to mention the photographic works inspired by Fabio Belletti's cuts by Lucio Fontana that ended up in a downtown living room. And again, a Cnr researcher, an employee, some doctors who let themselves be lulled by the idea of ​​owning a work of art. You have in common the fact that they are tenants of the Trilogy Navile apartments, behind the Bologna station, in the area of ​​the former fruit and vegetable market. They became collectors for a month thanks to the Navile Temporary Museum  is since January of this year it has animated the ground floor of the buildings projects by the Cino Zucchi Architetti studio in via John Cage with bright windows and very white spaces. And that until December 28, to celebrate the first year of life, hosts the exhibition of the sculptor Attilio Tono, with the evocative title "Shading of a mobile order". 

For the moment, the "Project Room" is aimed only at the tenants of the Trilogy, an exhibition hall where the invited artists present a single work summarizing their aesthetic thought. Each of these works remains on display for one month from Mtn, after which the inhabitants of the Navile Trilogy they can borrow the work that most impressed them for their apartment. "In this way - explain Silla Guerrini and Marcello Tedesco, souls of Mtn supported by the company Valdadige Sistemi Urbani - private homes become real other rooms of the museum, the ideal first step towards the creation of a museum located throughout the city, democratic , non-hierarchical and open to all”. 

There is no economic transaction, everyone can afford it because it is free: the idea is to live an aesthetic experience in private, letting yourself be seduced by the eyes and the heart. The experiment is proving Guerrini and Tedesco right because since the Project Room was opened, just a few months ago, eight works have been lent, which have taken their way to the upper floors of Trilogia Navile, where about ninety nuclei live family members. The eight tenants chose 'easy' works, not large in size, easy to place inside the apartment, mostly photographs and paintings. "They are people of great humanity - explain the two artist-curators - who don't necessarily frequent this world, but who have understood the meaning of the neighborhood enhancement project also through art".  

The loaned works thus continue to live elsewhere because the "temporary collectors" open their homes to show them to friends, triggering moments of exchange and socializing. One of these works was then also sold. “But – explains Tedesco – the transaction takes place exclusively between the artist and the tenant, the Temporary Museum of the Navile has no say from this point of view”. The Project Room artists – from the established ones to the students of the Academy of Fine Arts, both Italian and foreign – have different market quotations ranging from a few hundred euros to tens of thousands: these days, for example, and up to New Year's Eve the new Project Room will host, among others, a work by the Bolognese Pirro Cuniberti, who passed away three years ago.  

The hope is that the widespread art loan project can take off. Meanwhile here, in this frontier land and hinge between the city center and the suburbs, a stone's throw from the verdant Casa della Salute, from the Municipality of Mario Cucinella and from the high-speed railway, the Navile Temporary Museum offers experiences that look to Europe.   
