
Capodimonte Museum: "Decorative Arts to make your head spin" VIDEO

Capodimonte Museum: "Decorative Arts to make your head spin" VIDEO

Il Museum and Real Bosco di Capodimonte participate with a video "Decorative Arts to... make your head spin" in the campaign promoted by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism "Culture doesn't stop". Published on the Mibact YouTube channel, the 2 and a half minute video shows – to the rhythm of music – precious majolica, porcelain, enamels, inlaid furniture, representing an evolution of taste and design in the search for the contemplative beauty of everyday objects as well.

An absolutely rich collection of specimens from the major factories in Naples, starting with that of Capodimonte itself, but also from Italian and international manufacturers, especially French, Austrian, German, preserved on the main floor of the palace, in the "Gallery of rare things" - which brings together extraordinary objects in terms of workmanship, provenance, material and iconography, an expression of the refined collecting taste of the Farnese -, and in the "Gallery of porcelain", to which are added the pieces of the Mario De Ciccio collection, donated to the State in 1958. 
Entire table sets, decorated vases such as those with early XNUMXth century Egyptian figures from the Puolard-Prad Manufacture, statuettes with groups of musicians or shepherds or depicting birds, such as the "Two swallows with green and blue plumage and brown and black feathers on the back, resting on trunks with twigs" on the model by JJ Kaendler, from 1735, produced in Meissen. And again, the busts of Seneca and Agrippina by Filippo Tagliolini from the Royal Factory of Naples, engraved weapons, geliere, candelabra... up to the "toilet service with profiles and silhouettes, pansy and forget-me-nots" from the Imperial Manufacture of Vienna and the oval tray large bearing the inscription “Souvenir fragile d'une amitié durable”.
The many images represent only a part of the collections of the Capodimonte Museum. The video "Decorative arts to... make your head spin" is part of the numerous contributions that the Mibact institutes have sent for the "Culture doesn't stop" campaign, aimed at developing the offer of cultural heritage that can be enjoyed from home. A real choral commitment to give the public the opportunity to get to know and appreciate the immense Italian cultural and landscape heritage.
