
Museums: visitors increase in 2013, but Italians travel less

Culture is holding up despite the crisis – In the last year the Mibact has recorded an increase in visitors to state museums – Italian travel has plummeted instead – In 2013 the collapse is close to 20% – Spain and France are the favorite destinations.

Museums: visitors increase in 2013, but Italians travel less

Culture does not collapse under the blows of the crisis. The Mibact reports that in 2013 there was a increase in the number of visitors in state museums. The increase in payers was 5,13% while revenues grew by 7,49%. The overall increase in visitors (paying and non-paying) is 1,86%, with a growth trend which, from May to December 2013, reaches 5,26%.

The downside is on the travel front. According to Istat data, the Italians have tightened their belts on holidays in 2013. The numbers have the dimensions of a meltdown: a drop of 19,8%, with 63 million and 154 thousand overnight trips, against the 78 million and 703 thousand of the previous year. 

 The number of nights fell by 16,8% (from 501 million and 59 thousand to 417 million and 127 thousand). The average duration of trips (6,6 nights) remains stable, both for holidays (7 nights) and for business trips (2,7 nights). Furthermore, the average number of trips per capita decreased (from 1,3 trips to 1). The drop is also due to the reduction in the share of people who travel on average in a quarter (from 23,2% in 2012 to 20,1% in 2013). The phenomenon is observed in all areas of the country, but is more marked among residents in the North (-15,6%).
The negative trend that began in 2009 continues, which over the five-year period resulted in a loss of almost 60 million trips (290 million nights). Holiday trips (91% of the total) decreased by 2012% compared to 16,4. Above all, short holidays decreased: by 23,4% in the case of trips (against 10,2% for long ones) and by 22,4% in the case of nights (against 13,7%).

Spain e France the preferred destinations remain: the first for long holidays (13,1%), the second for short ones (16,4%). Germany is the most visited country for business reasons (24,4%). Among non-European destinations, the USA is the favorite (4,6% of the total) especially for business trips (12,4%).
