
Fines for shopkeepers without Pos and mandatory flat-rate electronic invoice: ok from the government

The Government finds a compromise on the new Pnrr decree - On the other hand, there is still discussion on the fiscal delegation and above all on the land registry reform - Draghi reassures, but the parties argue

Fines for shopkeepers without Pos and mandatory flat-rate electronic invoice: ok from the government

From the 30 June shopkeepers who do not accept payments with the Pos will be fined: 30 euros plus 4% of the transaction. This is one of the main news that emerged from Wednesday's Council of Ministers, in which the government seems to have found a truce on tax delegation. Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani, after days of harsh statements, at the table in Palazzo Chigi guarantee commitment to reforms. “The next few months will be difficult, don't add problems – said Mario Draghi – The government has no intention of withdrawing, I'm not tired, but I would get tired immediately if I were put in a position not to operate. That's not the case".

The dispute over the land registry reform

For the moment, the Prime Minister has not authorized confidence in the four major reforms: taxation, CSM, competition, procurement. However, there is still no overall agreement on tax delegation. The most controversial interventions concern land registry reform (ie the adjustment of cadastral income to market values) and the dual system for taxes on wealth.

Forza Italia would like to scrap the land registry reform, but Draghi refused, arguing that "taxes will not increase".

The Democratic Party argues: "The center-right only makes propaganda", says the secretary Enrico Letta.

Matteo Salvini, on the other hand, repeats that "there must be no stings, neither today nor in a few years: this is the essential condition for voting on the fiscal delegation".

The Pnrr decree

Meanwhile, another Pnrr decree has passed in the Council of Ministers: 41 articles (from the PA to illegal work) which serve to respect the commitments undertaken with Europe in exchange for the tranches of aid linked to the Next Generation Eu program.

Fines for shopkeepers without POS and mandatory electronic invoice: mediation

In addition to the fines for shopkeepers without the Pos, another measure disliked by the right was theobligation of electronic invoicing for VAT numbers in a flat-rate regime starting from XNUMX July. In the end, a double mediation was reached: on the proposal of Mariastella Gelmini, it will be evaluated to extend the tax credit to lower the costs of the POS, while Giancarlo Giorgetti has obtained the possibility of postponing the electronic invoice to 2024 for those who earn less of 25 euros a year. With these clarifications, in the end the approval was unanimous.
