
Mps, Profumo: impediment to close Alexandria

For Monte dei Paschi di Siena there is a "significant impediment" to the closing of the Alexandria operation as requested by the ECB: the impediment is the penal action underway in Milan.

Mps, Profumo: impediment to close Alexandria

For Monte dei Paschi di Siena there is a "significant impediment" to the closure of the Alexandria operation as requested by the ECB. The impediment is the penal action underway in Milan. If, however, the Central Bank persists in the request, explains the President of the Bank, Alessandro Profumo in replies to shareholders, Mps would comply with the request, only to protect its interests.

"We consider ourselves the damaged ones" remarked Profumo, reiterating the strange payments made by the Nomura official to that of MPS with whom he finalized the Alexandria contract. Meanwhile, when there is less than an hour left until Piazza Affari closes, the Mps title loses more than 2% on the Stock Exchange, a €0,603 per share.
