
Mps: ok agreement with unions, does not sign Fisac-Cgil

Overnight agreement: 1100 outsourcing planned – The agreement was signed by Fabi and Fiba of Cisl, and Ugl and Uil, which together represent 55% of the workers involved.

Mps: ok agreement with unions, does not sign Fisac-Cgil

Reached in the night the agreement between Mps and the unions for personnel reductions envisaged by the Bank's business plan. They have not signed Fisac-Cgil and the autonomous acronyms Dircredito and Sinfub. The agreement was instead signed by Fabi and Fiba of Cisl, and Ugl and Uil, which together represent 55% of the workers involved. 

The agreement, which will be presented to Montepaschi's board of directors this morning, provides for 1.100 outsourcing and the activation of a solidarity fund for the incentivized early retirement of around a thousand other employees.

This morning the MPS stock on the Stock Exchange travels in the red by 0,3%. 
