
Mps and banks in crisis, the government is studying how to publish the names of large debtors

Meeting at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Gentiloni and Boschi, Finocchiaro, Zanda and Rosato to define the conditions for greater transparency on the rescue of the Sienese bank and the other four in difficulty. The proposal had been made by the president of ABI Patuelli.

The proposal of the president of ABI Patuelli find a hearing in the government. Making known the names of the major debtors who, with their insolvency, have brought Mps to the brink of bankruptcy but also CariFerrara, Banca Etruria, Banca Marche, CariChieti as well as the disasters in Veneto with Popolare Vicenza and Veneto Banca: after the first yes arrived by the undersecretary for the Economy Baretta it is Palazzo Chigi that is seriously examining the proposal. A meeting was held between the premier Paolo Gentiloni, the undersecretary of the presidency Maria Elena Boschi, the minister for relations with the Parliament Angela Finocchiaro and the Pd group leaders in the Senate and in the Chamber, respectively Luigi Zanda and Ettore Rosato.

In other words, when state money is needed to save banks on the brink of collapse, it is a question of making public the names of the main debtors. The proposal put forward by Patuelli aims to bring out the responsibilities in the banking cracks without generally shifting the blame to the system and the bankers and falls just as the process of converting the decree begins in the Senate, already passed by the government, which allocates a dowry of 20 billion of additional debt to allow the recapitalization and, therefore, the rescue of MPS and small savers (40.000) who have invested in subordinated bonds of the Sienese bank and which otherwise would see around 2 billion of savings go up in smoke.

However, intervening on the matter will not be easy. Not so much for privacy issues as the names of the insolvent are communicated by the banks to the supervision of the Bank of Italy and are also available to creditors. The Guarantor of Privacy, Antonello Soro has in fact let it be known that the confidentiality rules envisaged for individuals do not apply to companies. The fact remains that the Civil Code provides for banking secrecy and the Consulta itself has often referred to the rules on the correctness and good faith of contracts. Therefore it will be necessary to establish a derogation reserved for cases in which the State intervenes for bailouts.

Meanwhile in the Chamber Patuelli's invitation has been transformed into a motion inviting the government to disclose "the names of the main insolvent debtors of the banks".
