
Mps asks for press blackout on Rossi

After the death of communications manager David Rossi, the Sienese bank asks the press, through a statement, to maintain silence out of respect for his family and his memory.

Mps asks for press blackout on Rossi

Mps asks for silence, out of respect for David Rossi and his family. The communication manager's suicide has transformed the scandal that hit the Sienese institute into a tragedy, but the bank's top management thinks of his family and colleagues, and have asked the press, in a statement, to remain silent.

This is the commemoration of David Rossi by President Profumo and CEO Viola, reported in the MPS note: "In this year during which we have worked side by side, we have had the opportunity to appreciate in David the human qualities, the sensitivity, the professionalism, attachment to the Bank. For these reasons, we have confirmed and renewed our trust as Head of Communications, a role he performed with absolute skill and dedication, albeit in a particularly delicate phase. This event, despite its tragedy, renews and strengthens the intensity of our determination to proceed along the path we have undertaken".
