Mozilla developers are working on a new operating system for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. The experimental project is called Boot to Gecko (B2G) and is based on an open source spirit, i.e. on the possibility of involving anyone who wants to participate in the creation of security applications and protocols. Mozilla's goal is to create new applications that work indifferently on all mobile devices and computers, integrating the functioning of telephony, SMS, cameras, USB ports, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. “We want to find the gaps that prevent web developers from being able to build applications that are in every way on par with native applications built for iPhone, Android and WP7,” explained a group of Mozilla developers on a new wiki page dedicated to 'initiative. Gecko will therefore have an infrastructure based almost exclusively on HTML 5, so as to be able to exploit the full potential of the telephone via a web browser. The development will start with a first phase in which low-level Android code will be used as a basic structure to manage the hardware. In the following phases, the system will undertake an autonomous path and will focus above all on the creation of connections that allow the integrated operation of telephony, text messages, cameras, USB ports and Wifi.