Monti: neither manoeuvres, nor assets

Italy does not need a new financial maneuver and there is no specter of a patrimonial one on the horizon. Mario Monti is trying to send a reassuring signal about the stability of the Italian public accounts a few days before the beginning of August, the month in which speculation traditionally becomes more voracious than ever. “We have no intention of making new maneuvers – said the premier after the CDM which sanctioned the reduction of the Provinces -. We are already on the planned path to achieve the budgetary objectives”.

As for the most feared tax by the PDL, the patrimonial tax, the Professor clarified that “it is not part of the government's intentions or programmes. I read in another newspaper that 'Monti and Merkel also want the assets above 250 thousand euros'. The article refers to 'a voice', but I have not heard this voice”.

Monti then returned to Wednesday's meeting with the Head of State, which Napolitano himself had described as "unforeseen and urgent". In reality, it was one of the periodic appointments “in which I report on the activity of the Government and on international meetings – minimized the Premier -. The prospects of the political situation were discussed, not financial emergencies or August decrees".

And it is precisely the political scenario that most worries the Prime Minister, who today called the parties to order, indirectly urging them not to strike the button of Euroscepticism during the electoral campaign. “There will be room for even different recipes – added Monti -, but always in the wake of a vision that is the one that is in the EU Treaties including the one ratified yesterday by Italy” on the Fiscal Compact and the European Stability Mechanism. In short, "it is important that the political forces find agreements on political-institutional reforms, because as the conclusion of this government experience is approaching, it is essential that there be a well-founded trust in Italy and abroad that the return to more usual parliamentary practices goes hand in hand with the same determination in pursuing incisive economic policies and this aspect does not weaken".

According to the Premier, with an eye to the elections, "it is also understandable that aspects of political significance acquire greater importance in the assessments of political forces". However "I think it is necessary for me to remind the political forces that support the majority of the need, in the interest of the country and of the citizens, not to loosen the commitment and decision-making pace: we have two Chambers that are working with great energy on our measures , this rhythm shouldn't be slowed down because it would be a real shame not to fully secure the accounts and fully implement the foundations for future development”.


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