
Morosini: after the mourning, investigations and controversies. Meanwhile, the former footballer Carlo Petrini dies

The episode shook the world of football, which however did not avoid the usual controversies: in addition to those on relief efforts and the shadow of doping (the prosecutor ordered the autopsy), now it is already time to argue about the recovery of the day championship suspended – Pescara Public Prosecutor's Office investigates manslaughter – 70s striker Carlo Petrini dies in Tuscany.

Morosini: after the mourning, investigations and controversies. Meanwhile, the former footballer Carlo Petrini dies

After the mourning, the controversies. As unfortunately often happens, not even the sudden and unjust death of a 25-year-old boy manages to bring the press, public opinion and the football system into agreement on what happened and on the attitude to take.

In addition to boring and rhetorical discussions about whether to show the tragic images by Piermario Morosini who collapses on the field during the Pescara-Livorno match (he played with the Tuscans) – obviously all denied by the facts because images and videos have been making the rounds of TV and internet sites – and to those, already more veiled and certainly more constructive , on theshadow of doping in football, she has arrived the controversy over relief is inevitable.

The presence of the car of the Pescara traffic police, which would have prevented the ambulance from entering the pitch for a few minutes (the watchman on duty admitted his responsibilities and was hospitalized in a state of shock), seems in any case according to the prosecutor Cristina Todeschini ("from the information we have so far the relevance of the fact seems non-existent") to have had irrelevant consequences. The prosecutor, however, in addition to the necessary autopsy, has also opened a file with the hypothesis of the crime of manslaughter. The choice is independent of any responsibility that emerged in the rescue (so much so that the investigation is open against "unknown persons"), but casts the shadow of a possible criminal relevance on the case, which could emerge from the autopsy.

The coroner will have 60 days to communicate the official results of the autopsy to the Public Prosecutor's Office. “The main investigation is to understand what happened to the poor player's body – Todeschini said again -, only after having ascertained the facts will we be able to evaluate and possibly formalize any crimes. Exactly for this reason we asked the doctors to go even beyond the protocol of the autopsy exams and to let us know as much as possible".

Another controversy of the moment, certainly the saddest considering the seriousness of what happened, is the one on the recovery of the championship day, suitably suspended by the FIGC starting from the moment of Morosini's death for all federal tournaments. A decision on the recovery of the postponed day will be made today: "We will look for a solution that is as shared as possible, in the end it doesn't change much", said the president of the Lega Calcio Maurizio Beretta solomonically.

The problem is that the clubs, so united in mourning, have not missed an opportunity to return to being divided. It is not known why it could be more important than respect for a mourning, some clubs including Inter, Naples and Genoa, do not share the hypothesis (at the moment the most plausible) of making up the 33rd matchday next weekend and making postpone the one scheduled on those dates to an exceptional midweek shift conceivable for Wednesday 25 April, a public holiday and therefore suitable for the change of plans. Regulation in hand, the rebel companies have every reason, but this is the most classic of cases in which only common sense should apply.

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of Morosini's tragedy, the world of football has been struck by another mourning: the former Rome, Milan and Turin player Carlo Petrini has passed away at the age of 64, after a long illness. His death, as well as that of his young colleague, fuels for the umpteenth time the suspicion of death as a consequence of the intake of doping substances during competitive activity, often theorized also for the numerous cases of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) that occurred in particular to former Fiorentina players and the unforgettable Signorini. In fact, Petrini was suffering from glaucoma which had made him practically blind over the years. According to the doctors who have treated him over the years, subjecting him to five surgeries, the disease may have been related to the assumption of many drugs (doping and non-enhancing drugs), which occurred during his career as a footballer.
