Sul minimum salary takes the field Cnel. After the meeting with the opposition at Palazzo Chigi, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni suggested involving the National Council of Economy and Labor (Cnel) chaired by Renato Brunetta and said she was "positive" that within 60 days - time by which the discussion in Parliament was suspended - we can arrive at a common text. The oppositions, for their part, while acknowledging that the meeting was a first step, are not convinced that a solution will be reached, given that no concrete counter-proposals have arrived from the majority. Only the call to Cnel from the former force worker Brunetta, who had already presented to the Labor commission of the Chamber in recent months five proposals on the subject (mainly of method) with the aim of creating the basis for a concrete proposal. Here's what they are.
Minimum wage: the 5 proposals of the Cnel
First, the need for a deep and meaningful was indicated involvement and comparison with the social parties, trade unions and representatives of the business world. "Encourage full development at all levels of bargaining" and counter the so-called "pirate contracts". Therefore, it is necessary that the economic treatment refers to the reference collective agreement. This proposal has already been advanced several times by the majority.
Furthermore, there is no reference to the legal minimum wage in the memorandum delivered by Brunetta. On the contrary, the need is underlined not to limit oneself to the "yes or no" alternative for the minimum wage by law, but to tackle, upstream, the problems that hinder the growth of workers' wages, including delays in contract renewals aggravated by the growth the cost of living and the high tax wedge, the impact of precariousness, involuntary part-time and 'poor work'”. On low wages it was then indicated to intervene on the side of tax reform.
But above all, the former force worker had then advised to tackle the issue of low productivity, responsible for the low if any growth in wages in Italy.
It is then necessary to intervene on the contractual dumping, which risks negatively impacting the quality of collective bargaining.
Finally, indicate the Cnel as the headquarters of the National Productivity Board for Italy, foreseen by an EU recommendation.