
Monti, the American mission a success: after the White House, even Wall Street applauds him

Success of the premier's American mission – After the warm meeting at the White House with President Obama, the Italian premier was also fully successful on Wall Street: “I think I have convinced investors to bet again on Italy. The markets ask us to continue what we started”.

Monti, the American mission a success: after the White House, even Wall Street applauds him

“There is a positive attitude towards everything Italian, including government bonds”. It is a radiant Mario Monti who comes out of Wall Street: after themeeting with Obama at the White House, the face-to-face meeting with the major American investors also went very well. “I think I have convinced them – said the premier – to bet again on Italy. The markets ask us to continue what we started”. Let's hope that the politicians who try to cram the decree on liberalizations with a shower of amendments will also realize this.

Meanwhile, S&P does not deny itself and downgrades 34 Italian banks, but by now we know: le rating agencies come late and badly but fortunately the market is always turning its back on them.
