
Monti: "Future sustainability of the health system is not guaranteed"

According to the Premier it will be necessary to identify "new ways of financing and organizing services and benefits" to guarantee the sustainability of the National Health Service.

Monti: "Future sustainability of the health system is not guaranteed"

“Projections of population growth and aging show that the future sustainability of health systems, including our proud National Health Service, may not be guaranteed if new ways of financing and organizing services and benefits are not identified". The Prime Minister said so Mario Monti intervening by videoconference from Palazzo Chigi at the presentation of the project for the construction of the new Center for Biotechnology and Biomedical Research of the Ri.Med Foundation underway in Palermo.

"The stakes are very high - added Monti -, and even medical-scientific innovation, especially in the industrialization phase, must actively participate in the challenge, considering the cost-effectiveness parameter no longer residual, but of critical importance".

In this sense, research and innovation are the prerequisites "for a path of virtuous growth, capable of generating qualified employment, attracting foreign investment, improving the quality of life and public health", concluded the Premier.
