
Monti: Eurozone crisis overcome also thanks to Italy

In his latest speech from China, the Italian Pemier underlined that our country has taken "a more solid path" - The labor reform "is aimed at modernizing the social safety net for workers and significantly increases flexibility".

Monti: Eurozone crisis overcome also thanks to Italy

"There was a eurozone crisis, but I think we have overcome it“, also thanks to the “more solid path taken from Italy“. With these words Prime Minister Mario Monti closed his tour of the Far East, speaking at the Boao Asian forum, held on the island of Hainan, in southern China.

“Sometimes the expression 'eurocrisis' is used in the world – continued the Professor – now allow me to clarify that there was absolutely no crisis of the euro. The euro is a solid currency and has shown no weakness during the eurozone crisis. This is something to underline."

As for our country, the prime minister underlined the importance of the reform package launched, noting then that that of work already launched “is aimed at modernizing the social safety net for workers and significantly increases flexibility. This reform is still waiting to be approved by the parliament and I hope that this will happen quickly”.
