
Monti to Scalfari: "Something tells me I won't run"

The Professor anticipates some of the contents of his press conference today: Never with Berlusconi. Center and left must unite after the vote. In the first hundred days we need new measures against corruption, a drastic reduction in the number of parliamentarians, launching welfare reform, focusing on investments in school, university and research.

Monti to Scalfari: "Something tells me I won't run"

In an interview with Eugenio Scalfari, which took place yesterday morning and was published by "Repubblica", Monti anticipates some of the contents of his press conference today: Never with Berlusconi. Center and left must unite after the vote. In the first hundred days we need new measures against corruption, a drastic reduction in the number of parliamentarians, launching welfare reform, focusing on investments in school, university and research.

The outgoing Prime Minister, with regard to his role, adds: "I'll sleep on it, but something tells me I won't run as a candidate". The impression one gets from the interview is that Monti for himself has a directorial role. Maybe from the Quirinale.

