It's a matter of 105 works, including paintings, sculptures, prints and other contemporary art objects for a value of over 17 million euros. The donation is second only to that of 1961 referring to Lisi Usigli.
The deed of donation was signed in the presence of the mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, and Mrs. Gemma De Angelis Testa, wife of Armando Testa. It includes works, to name only a small part, by Mario Merz, Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Mario Schifano, Marina Abramovic, Shirin Neshat, Anish Kapoor and many more.
In spring the Ca' Pesaro Gallery will dedicate an ad hoc exhibition with all the works in this collection
"The world walks on examples – remarked the mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro giving Mrs. De Angelis Testa a golden lion. The gift that is given to the city today will remain for the new generations. The invitation I would like to address to all those who have the opportunity is to donate: it is a gesture of generosity that benefits the whole community".
"I'm really happy – said Gemma De Angelis Testa – to celebrate this donation with the City of Venice, which I thank for making this operation simple thanks also to the precious collaboration of the art historians Gabriella Belli and Gianfranco Maraniello. I visited Venice for the first time in 1970 on the occasion of the Biennale of Contemporary Art. This city has given me so many emotions and it was here that I had the most important encounters of my life: with contemporary art and with my husband. In 1980 I bought the first work of my collection (by Cy Twombly), which has gradually enriched over the years. I hope that other collectors will follow my example and that our country will soon be enriched with many other contemporary art museums".