Art-Rite introduces itself to the usual winter sales appointment on December 14 in Milan with a careful selection of works, chosen for their value and for their ability to represent an important cross-section of twentieth-century art. The Day Sale catalog opens with a precious and rare collection of lithographs by Guillaume Corneille published by Arturo Schwarz in 1963, in which the characteristic imagery of the CO.BR.A Group interacts well with the poetic text.
Post-war painting declines in an existentialist sense in the works of Remo Brindisi, with a painting that is part of the famous "Cycle of the Opponents", and in the masterpiece of Bepi Romagnoni, a perfect synthesis between a language that goes beyond figuration through the desire to give voice to the emotional and existential labor of the individual.
Follow two paintings by a first Valerio Adami, still mindful of the Parisian lesson of surrealist matrix by Roberto Matta Echaurren and Wifredo Lam, and two informal works by Piero Ruggeri, characterized by a dense and vigorous painting. A rare tempera on paper by Bice Lazzari on display is one of the largest examples of pictorial textures used as patterns for the production of fabrics, evidence of the practice to which the artist devoted himself after the war.
An iconic canvas by Hsiao Chin and a collage of burnt envelopes by Turi Simeti, both from the early 1959s, introduce an unusual work by Davide Boriani, exhibited in September 1 at the Pater Gallery, in the crucial exhibition that led to the Declaration Miriorama XNUMX, the foundation deed of Gruppo T.
Geometric abstraction is well represented by a tempera by Mario Ballocco, the happy outcome of his chromatological research linked to colour, shape and their perception, which are counterbalanced by "JHM-I", the famous silkscreen by Joseph Albers, and " 7 Scarious Portfolio”, folder by Max Bill published by the Deposito di Genova, one of the first to promote the idea of multiplied art
The evolution towards the analytical simplification of geometries is introduced by the painting "Blue Line" by Mario Nigro and finds in the rigor of Claudio Verna's painting one of the most successful interpretations.
Bruno Munari is among the protagonists of the catalog with four works that testify to the multifaceted creativity of the Milanese artist: three collages, belonging respectively to the series of "Negative - Positive", to the "Illegible Writings" and, finally, to the "Theoretical reconstruction of an imaginary object ”, are different outcomes of an extremely coherent research, which ends with a multiple of the “Useless Machine” in screen-printed aluminum, a splendid example of kinetic sculpture.
The sculptural session, with works by Umberto Mastroianni, Piero Consagra, Giuseppe Marotta and Mirella Bentivoglio it is the prelude to a series of Pop works where an acrylic by Tano Festa from 1970 and two décollages by Mimmo Rotella from the XNUMXs stand out.
The Day Sale ends with two Aeropitture by Gerardo Dottori, one of which dates back to 1930, during the most intense season of the Second Futurism, and a Periferia Urbana by Mario Sironi from the early XNUMXs, which deserves attention for its pictorial quality.w
Among the first lots of the Evening Sale, it stands out a geometry by Achille Perilli, whose structure, characterized by a brilliant chromatism, seems to take on a three-dimensional appearance, favored by the large dimensions of the canvas. This is followed by an iconic decomposed figure by Valerio Adami and a back of affiche by Mimmo Rotella, whose surface shows a dense stratification of torn posters, applied to the back, which highlight the traces of plaster and sediment.
"Cross" by Gerhard Richter represents one of the highlights of the catalogue, dialoguing perfectly with a 1996 iron and concrete structure by Giuseppe Uncini and a monumental canvas by Giuseppe Gallo, full of symbolic and conceptual suggestions. A rare collage by Vedova from 1969, with interesting historical-political references, precedes one of the first landscapes by Roberto Crippa, made up of reliefs in cork and newsprint, and a dissemblage by Arman, the result of the artist's destructive gesture aimed at annihilating the melodic function of the object to cover it with new meanings.
“With a reason for tradition”, is Achille Perilli's masterpiece from 1958 with a very dense pictorial surface, furrowed with graphic signs, a clear prelude to the famous Comics, which would emerge only in the production of the following decade.
The final section of the catalog is enriched by an informal canvas by Toti Scialoja with a strong gestural charge and by one of the most important assemblages ever made by Ben Vautier, which boasts an exhibition history of great prestige, including the exhibition at the Bischofberger Gallery in Zurich in 1971.
Auction of Modern and Contemporary Art
14 December 2019 – Day Sale: 16 pm (lots 00 – 1) Evening Sale: 53 pm (lots 17 – 30)