
Smart and sustainable mobility, Tim-Alis agreement

The tlc is a partner of the Sustainable Intermodal Logistics Association: the agreement aims to improve the transport of people and goods thanks to digital technology

Smart and sustainable mobility, Tim-Alis agreement

Making the mobility of goods and people smarter, more efficient and even greener thanks to digital technologies and generating a positive impact in economic, social and environmental sustainability terms in the transport, logistics and intermodality chain. This is the objective of the agreement signed between Tim and Alis, the Logistics Association of Sustainable Intermodality, represented respectively by the managing director Luigi gubitosi and by Guido Grimaldi, President of Alis, which represents over 1.500 companies in the sector and more than 180 workers.

The understanding will support Alis member businesses in the digital transformation process through the adoption of technological solutions capable of responding to the renewed needs of the sector. To this end, a close collaboration between Tim and Alis is envisaged which will lead to the establishment of a joint working group for the application of advanced ICT solutions - based on the Internet of Things, big data, cloud and cybersecurity - in able, for example, to improve document management, the tracking of goods and corporate assets as well as the remote control of technological systems and means of transport, in order to obtain an increase in production efficiency and operator safety. For the traceability of goods, from acceptance to transport, temporary storage, distribution and destination blockchain will also be promoted. The use of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality and drones will also be aimed at the activities of ports, freight villages, stations, depots, logistics hubs to increase the safety of people and goods.

Tim and Alis will also promote the development of the human capital of the entrepreneurial ecosystem thanks to training meetings, seminars and conferences within the Operation Digital Risorgimento, the great alliance between institutions and companies promoted by the TLC chaired by Salvatore Rossi for the dissemination of digital skills in the country.
