Ministry of Economic Development: cut the energy bill by 10%, here's how

Compulsory and retroactive incentive-spreader for photovoltaics, system charges to be paid, in part, also on self-consumed energy, possibility of having negative prices on the Stock Exchange. But also cutting waste and some questionable concessions. These are the main points of the pacpackage of measures from the Ministry of Economic Development, which should produce savings of 1,9-2,9 billion euros on an annual basis, two thirds of which will benefit the energy bills of SMEs alone and one third of all other consumers.

Le uncertainty about the estimate, explains the Ministry of Economic Development, derive from two reasons: some measures are dominated by uncertainty over the revenue, which is linked to uncontrollable factors; others depend on the greater or lesser radicality that the government intends to adopt when drafting the rules.

Meanwhile, almost a billion should be recovered through it mandatory incentive spreader and retroactive for PV and the dreaded blow to self-consumption, which could nip the post-incentive PV market in the bud. More money at the expense of non-programmable renewables is to be obtained by making them pay i imbalance costs, while the forecast of introducing negative prices on the power exchange, which can occur in the hours of maximum renewable production.

Other resources would come from reduction of benefits for specific categories of consumers. 100-150 million euros would be saved with a crackdown on discounts for the so-called interruptibility. Another 120 million would come from cuts in tax exemptions state Railways, which would be kept only for consumption attributable to the universal service, eliminating them for market services (such as high speed). 

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