
All-time low for 1,81-year BTPs: yield at XNUMX%

The new 126-year low brings the btp-bund spread to 9 basis points, a figure that has not been recorded since last December XNUMX

All-time low for 1,81-year BTPs: yield at XNUMX%

Il 2015 starts with a record for the Italian bond market which sees the ten-year rate get off at new all-time low. At 11 this morning the Italian XNUMX-year rate stands at 1,81%, down sharply from 1,89% on Tuesday.

Behind this significant drop in the yield of 10-year Italian BTPs lies the prospect of a new expansive intervention by the European Central Bank. Indeed, in an interview with the German financial newspaper Handelsblatt the president of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi he once again reiterated the Eurotower's intention to act in the first part of the year with new non-conventional measures, including the purchase of government bonds if deemed necessary.

Remaining on the ten-year securities front, a marked decline in the btp-bund spread which at 11 fell to 126 points, a figure that hasn't been recorded for almost a month.
