
Milleproroghe on gold rentals and save-Rome, Tasi and Imu remain out

After the sensational reverse on the Rome-saving decree, the Government is called to resolve today, in the last Council of Ministers of the year, at least the main questions that remained open, but it seems that the chapter relating to housing is destined for yet another postponement – Among the items on the agenda, in addition to the Campidoglio accounts, gold rentals.

Milleproroghe on gold rentals and save-Rome, Tasi and Imu remain out

From the omnibus decree to the Milleproroghe. The terminology is from the First Republic, but the problems are those of 2013. After the clamorous retreat on the Rome saver (withdrawn following the perplexities expressed by the Head of State over the proliferation of amendments in Parliament), the Government is called to solve today, in the last Council of Ministers of the year, at least the main questions remained open. 

The Executive had placed its trust in the salva-Roma and only one parliamentary passage was missing for the text to become law. After the rain of changes arrived between the House and the Senate, however, it had been transformed into a Frankenstein-like provision that can rightfully be traced back to the old category of omnibuses: it even contained regulations on traffic light bulbs and an amnesty on illegal bungalows and cabins built on the beach. 

To correct the shot today comes the Milleproroghe, a traditional year-end cauldron in which the Executive conveys all the matters for which a solution has not been found in the previous months. There are at least four main points on the agenda. 

1) Resolve the issue raised by the M5S on the gold rents paid by the state despite the huge real estate assets it has. 

2) Launch the real Salva-Roma, shifting 400 million of the Capitol's debt to commissioner management.

3) Extend the antitrust measure that prevents those who own television networks from buying shares in newspapers.

4) Postpone tax payments for the flooded areas of Sardinia.

Instead, the intervention on the house seems to be proceeding towards a further postponement. The Government must make peace with the Municipalities on the Tasi chapter (the services component of the new single municipal tax), raising the ceiling on the rates and allocating new funds to allow deductions on first homes. From the current 500 million, according to Minister Delrio, we should reach 1,3 billion. It is also necessary to regulate the payment and the possible possibility of deducting the so-called residual Imu, which will have to be paid by January 24 and is equal to 40% of the difference between the rate set by the mayor and the basic one. 
