
MILAN/Finarte: Voluntary Disclosure of works of art

“The Voluntary Disclosure of works of art: operational profiles and opportunities” – Conference promoted by Finarte Casa d'Aste on 16 September – in collaboration with Open Care – Servizi per l'Arte Frigoriferi Milanesi.

Next will be held 16 September starting at 9.30 the conference entitled "The Voluntary Disclosure of works of art: operational profiles and opportunities". The aim is to create an opportunity for in-depth study and discussion on a complex but extremely topical issue, offering points of view from experts and specialists in the sector. 
Participating in the day: Lawyer. Charles Roman – Partner PWC's Tax Litigation Practice, Lawyer. Joseph Calabi – Studio CBM & Partners, Lawyer Luca Troyer – TB Law Troyer Bagliani Associates Firm, Dott. Alessandro Guerrini – Open Care Spa

9.30 Introduction: Dr. Giancarlo Meschi President of Finarte Moderator: Dr. Simona Valsecchi – Studio CMS Adonnino Ascoli Cavasola Scamoni
9.45 Avv. Carlo Romano – Partner PWC's Tax Litigation Practice “Voluntary disclosure for works of art, how and why to join the VD” International context, access and effects of the Disclosure procedure. Subjective profiles and annuities subject to Disclosure. Methods of repatriation and procedural aspects of the so-called repatriation. "juridical". Enhancement of works of art between historical cost and expert estimate
10.15 Avv. Giuseppe Calabi – Studio CBM & Partners “The regime of international circulation of works of art in Italy” Regulatory aspects of the “juridical” repatriation of the work of art object of Disclosure. Effects associated with the circulation of the work of art not covered by Disclosure. Prospects for reform of the art market.
10.45 Break 11.00 Avv. Luca Troyer – Studio TB Law Troyer Bagliani Associati “Voluntary Disclosure and criminal law profiles”. Crimes covered by Voluntary Disclosure. Crimes not covered by Voluntary Disclosure; the work of art as a material object of a crime. Confiscation in relation to the circulation of works of art (notes); The risks of confiscation of the work of art despite the positive outcome of the Voluntary Disclosure.
11.30 Dr. Alessandro Guerrini – Open Care Spa Aspects relating to the management of the art collections subject to voluntary disclosure 11.45 ROUND TABLE: Works of art abroad: what to do?

16 September 2015 Frigoriferi Milanesi, Sala Carroponte Via GB Piranesi, 10, Milan
