From the September 27 to the 27 October the exhibition will be exhibited at the Gallerie d'Italia – Piazza Scala, the museum headquarters of Intesa Sanpaolo in Milan Peter Dorazio. Shape and Color', a tribute to a great master who has contributed since 1945 to the affirmation of abstract art in Italy.
The exhibition presents a selection of 14 works by Dorazio belonging to the Intesa Sanpaolo collection, complemented by the hospitality of a work from the Prada Foundation, I hook up A, executed in 1966, which acts as a connection point between two moments of Dorazio's painting of the Sixties.
The exhibition, curated by Francesco Tedeschi and created with the collaboration of the Piero Dorazio Archive, it places the accent on some key moments in Piero Dorazio's activity, between the XNUMXs and XNUMXs, when his position was affirmed in his uniqueness.
At the end of the fifties his painting conquers the idea of the surface as a continuous field, within which the autonomous force of color, space and form of light reverberates, as Giuseppe Ungaretti recognized: “In those fabrics or rather membranes of his, of a uniform nature, almost monochromatic and yet intertwined with different colored threads, with colored rays, inside the dense honeycombs the alveoli that keep pupils full of light, armed with stingers of light” (1966).
Over that season, which reaches its climax in a personal room of the 1960 Venice Biennale and in the international affirmation of his language, a renewal of the forms of color opens up as a material that generates open solutions on the territories of the imagination, in the creations that from the mid-sixties have been expanding the bands of color as an infinite source of movement.
Works like I connect A, from 1966, demonstrate the new vision of an expanding color in the atmosphere, reverberating outside, in space, or producing unprecedented territories of vision, in which the buildings of the late sixties, such as Snake (1968) o Chocolate Paradise (1970), echo the voices of a utopian optimism, typical of that era.
Through one of the canvases that mark his acquisition of the abstraction languages of the first part of the century, Plasticity (1949), and two works that continued, during the eighties, his fidelity to the languages of composition through color and the internal light of painting, the proposed sequence intends to underline the circularity of a language which is affirmed for its absolute quality in the contemporary panorama.
The themes of the exhibition will be accompanied by the international conference “Piero Dorazio. Fantasia Colore Progetto” to be held on 26 and 27 September at the Catholic University of Milan and which will see the participation of some of the leading scholars of 2005th-century Italian art working in Italian universities. The meeting will be the first opportunity, since Dorazio's death in XNUMX, for an in-depth rethinking of his figure, his art and the role he plays in contemporary culture.