
Mid-term, Obama notes: "Eager to collaborate with Republicans"

"I want to work with the new Congress": these are the words of the US president after the defeat in the mid-term elections.

Mid-term, Obama notes: "Eager to collaborate with Republicans"

Barack Obama acknowledges the defeat in the mid term and extends his hand to his Republican opponents, winners in both the House and the Senate. The US president, in the first press conference after the electoral defeat, clarified the climate in which we will move forward: "I want to work with the new Congress". Obama even said he was "anxious to collaborate with the Republicans" and will be "aggressive" in trying to leave a concrete legacy in the final part of his mandate.

“Americans have sent a clear message: work hard and focus on their aspirations, not ours. And I plan to spend every moment of the next 2 years doing my job as well as I can.” The president stressed that "if there are ideas that Republicans have to make things better for Americans, I will follow them, even if they oppose the Democratic ones."

Among the hot topics to be resolved in the coming weeks there is certainly a review of Obamacare, that reform of the health system that the Republicans do not like and which the president will therefore be forced to modify. Then the intervention in Syria against Isis and the law on immigration: on the first question the two political forces should go hand in hand, on the second a rather complicated confrontation is foreseen.
