
Michele Valensise appointed Secretary General of the Farnesina

The CDM appoints the diplomat Michele Valensise, former ambassador to Bonn and Beirut, as well as head of the Office for relations with Parliament and the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Secretary General of the Farnesina.

Michele Valensise appointed Secretary General of the Farnesina

The Council of Ministers has appointed Ambassador Michele Valensise Secretary General of the Farnesina. This can be read in the note released by Palazzo Chigi at the end of the CDM.

Born in Polistena on April 3rd 1952, graduated in law from "La Sapienza" in Rome in 1974, starting his diplomatic career in 1975.

In 1981 is transferred at the Italian Embassy in Bonn, where he serves in the political chancellery with responsibility for domestic policy and European political cooperation issues.

From 1984 al 1987, during the Lebanese civil war, is Counselor at the Italian Embassy in Beirut, with vicarious functions of the Head of Mission. Returning to Rome, from 1987 to 1991 he was Head of the Secretariat of the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs.

From 1991 to 1997, as First Counselor at the Permanent Representation of Italy to the European Union in Brussels, he was responsible for the sector of Community relations with the countries of the Mediterranean and Balkan area.

In early 1997 he moved to Sarajevo as ambassador of Italy in Bosnia Herzegovina, the day after the opening of the Embassy, ​​immediately after the cessation of hostilities and the deployment in Bosnia Herzegovina of the military stabilization force and, in this context, of the Italian contingent.

Back in Rome in 1999, he was responsible, in the Minister's Cabinet, for the Office for relations with Parliament and then head of the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

From September 2001 to November 2004 he held the position of head of the Press and Information Service of the Ministry and spokesperson for the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Since November 2004 he has been Ambassador of Italy to Brazil.

Since July 2009 he has been Ambassador of Italy to Germany.




