
Michele Salvati is the new director of the bimonthly magazine "Il Mulino"

The management committee of the magazine founded in 2012 has been renewed for the three-year period 2014-1951: its members are Roberto Escobar, Piero Ignazi, Michele Salvati, Loredana Sciolla and Carlo Trigilia

Michele Salvati is the new director of the bimonthly magazine "Il Mulino"

Michele Salvati is the new director of the magazine "Il Mulino". In fact, the Management Committee of the magazine “il Mulino” was renewed for the three-year period 2012-2014. They are part of it: Roberto Escobar, Piero Ignazi, Michele Salvati, Loredana Sciolla and Carlo Trigilia.

Michele Salvati was elected director, while the current editor-in-chief Bruno Simili was assigned the role of deputy director. Born in 1951, the magazine "il Mulino" enters its LXI year in 2012, maintaining the bimonthly periodicity and continuing in parallel with the daily publication of notes and interventions on the site
