
Weather, the majority of Italians consult the forecasts

Out of necessity or out of passion, two out of three Italians consult the weather before playing sports, going to work or travelling. These are the results of the Eumetra research commissioned by 3BMeteo in collaboration with the advertising agency iOL Advertising of the Italiaonline group

Weather, the majority of Italians consult the forecasts

Other than a pastime, the Italians turn out to be weather-dependent. Who to play sports or who for the holidays, but 95% of Italians regularly look at the weather forecast. This is what emerged from the Eumetra research which investigates the relationship of Italians with the weather, commissioned by 3Bweather in collaboration with the group's advertising agency iOL Advertising Italyonline, out of a sample of over a thousand people aged between 25 and 64 scattered throughout the country. 

The survey was born with the aim of understanding the public's needs, identifying how it interacts with the weather in general and with the 3Bmeteo brand. With over 15 million users per month and 3 million UUs on an average day who visit the site and use the Android and iOS app (Audiweb August 2021), 3Bmeteo guarantees both viewability and brand safety, with a balanced mix of crowding advertising.

This approach is appreciated by its audience: 80% of the sample knows the brand, mainly through the portal (26%), through the app (17%), 12% through both, finally with 25% of those who know but do not use the service.

In investigating the perception of dealer it emerges that, in the case of 3Bmeteo, it disturbs less than the market average, maintaining the lowest value: 19% against 24%. Also good for the "accuracy of predicting the weather" and the "completeness of information", 3Bmeteo obtained a score above the market average: 73 against 68 and 75 against 70.

Furthermore, the Company also receives positive reviews when it comes to topics connected to the weather, such as climate change, pollution and environmental sustainability, travel, health and current events.

Maximus Peter Columbus, Director of 3Bmeteo, underlined how knowing the audience is also important when it comes to advertising that perceives it as an experience and enrichment of navigation. “We have always focused on the quality of information and on the constant improvement of the service. Combining traffic data with qualitative information on the reference target allows us to create engaging advertising projects with our customers".

Returning to the research, the majority of Italians believe that weather forecasts are important in terms of knowledge and information (60%), as an element influencing mood (59%), as a topic of conversation (58%), as well as relevant if you work outdoors (28%).

An audience that can be segmented by attitude: with 36% of people who cannot help but consult them; 17% of "meteoropathic" look at the weather a few days before leaving for the holidays, or to practice an outdoor activity. There is also 16% of "functional" workers who consider the weather a "condition" because it is linked to life outside or they consider it important to have correct information. Finally, there are citizens who do not have fixed consultation habits and fall into the category of "disinterested" in 31% of cases.

The research also reveals other qualitative and quantitative data on the use of the audience, which considers the weather to be the ideal partner for every sports, especially those outdoors: jogging (53%); gymnastics 31%; cycling 28%; football/soccer 23%, tennis 18%; skiing/winter sports 17%.

Beyond these activities, also the sector travel "can't do without" or "does it habitually" to know the weather conditions before leaving, especially for weekends or trips (82%); for summer holidays (75%); winter ones (65%); the Easter bridge (64%); year-end holidays (54%).

“We are very happy to represent 3Bmeteo on the market which, as emerges from the research, creates an accurate and reliable product; which is confirmed by the continuous growth of the site and the app, in terms of visits – he declared Massimo Crotti, manager of the iOL Advertising dealership -. The fact that users consider advertising on 3Bmeteo less invasive than on competitors is extremely important: in fact, for the evaluation KPIs of display campaigns to work correctly, it is necessary to meet the recipient in a 'positive' attitude.
