
Weather, cold: snow arriving in Turin and Milan

Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont are the regions most at risk. Bad weather weekend. Whirlwind in Sanremo, orange alert in Genoa. The perturbation will affect the Center-North on Sunday

Weather, cold: snow arriving in Turin and Milan

December 1st marks the meteorological arrival of winter. In Italy the cold has arrived early, especially affecting the central-northern regions since the beginning of last week, and will continue to hit the peninsula throughout the month.

From Friday afternoon a strong perturbation followed by cold currents of Arctic origin will cause temperatures to drop everywhere, bringing snow to very low altitudes in the North, and in some regions - Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia - even in the plains.

The Civil Protection of the Lombardy Region has issued a communication of ordinary criticality due to snow risk starting at 14pm on Friday throughout the region. Strong risks also in Liguria, which in recent years has suffered damage annually due to bad weather. Whirlwind in Sanremo

Between Saturday and Sunday the perturbation will begin to decrease, concentrating heavy rainfall in the centre-south and bringing a slight improvement to the north.
