
Weather: alert in 14 regions, high water in Venice

A victim in Friuli, serious damage and inconvenience in Liguria. The high tide in the lagoon is worrying, but the sun is back on Sunday.

Weather: alert in 14 regions, high water in Venice

Pre-Christmas weekend plagued by bad weather, with strong inconvenience and even critical implications. On Friday day the most affected region was Liguria, where there are still seventy isolated people in the Municipality of Follo in the province of La Spezia, where the only access road to Torenco has been closed due to unusability. Due to the heavy rains, the Entella stream flooded just before its mouth in Chiavari, the water reached the benches of a public park and an underpass flooded, but after the flood wave the situation returned to normal and stay alert.

Precipitation is now moving to the Center and to the South but the tail of the perturbation of Atlantic origin continues to be felt also in the North. In Friuli Venezia Giulia there was a victim e on Saturday it is still on alert in as many as 14 Regions: orange in Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Molise, Sardinia, Tuscany and Umbria; yellow in Calabria, Piedmont and Veneto.

Back to worry too Venezia: Saturday morning high water recorded up to 119 centimeters, but for Sunday the Tide Forecasting and Reporting Center provides for a maximum peak of 135 centimeters in the early hours of the day. Forecasts for Saturday still show snow in the North and rainfall almost everywhere, with storm surges in the South. Sunday improves, and Christmas too should be sunny.
