“In the wake of the contractual innovation achieved with the contract signed with Federmeccanica and Assistal, the hypothesis of agreement for the contract of the Metalworking Cooperatives was signed in Rome. A contract that affects over 20 employees and working members and that enhances the experience of the world of cooperatives”. This was stated by Marco Bentivogli, general secretary of the Fim Cisl.
"The contract is highly demanding and innovative - he added - and is centered on new or renewed elements that focus on the participation, skills and recognition of the professionalism of the workers and working members of the coops. The subjective right to training is introduced, which after that on health and safety, represents one of the fundamental rights for future work, together with a renewed and updated right to study. Space is widened for the participation of worker-members and the union in the company's strategic choices, an element already inherent in cooperative enterprises, and in the system of union relations consolidated in the cooperative world. A role will be assumed by the parties at a territorial level for the diffusion of bargaining also in small cooperative enterprises, consolidating their development, enhancing the contribution of workers".
Bentivogli then underlines that “important interventions have also been introduced on health and safety, with a stronger role for the RLS. While the supplementary welfare takes on a very important weight, including economic, and joins the salary. Overall, the benefit for each worker will be 92,68 euros per month (85 euros between direct wages deriving from inflation and indirect wages: supplementary healthcare (12 euros), welfare (19,69 euros) and supplementary pensions (7,69 euros) + 7,69 euros for training.The Coopersalute supplementary healthcare fund was also greatly strengthened (156 euros totally paid for by companies and recognized for all metalworkers and their dependent family members, including cohabitants) and the Fon-Coop supplementary pension fund, which sees the contribution paid by the company increase from 1,6% to 2% to encourage and enhance a fundamental tool for the pensions of the future”, especially for young people.
“We are very satisfied with the result achieved – concluded Bentivogli – which has historic value for the cooperative world. This contract constitutes another piece of the contractual protection of metalworkers. Once again the cooperation model rhymes with participation and enhances the protagonism of the worker.